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new Fossil Teeth + Jaw Section  Oreodont  South  Dakota in Acrylic Collectors  Box (1)
new Fossil Teeth + Jaw Section  Oreodont  South  Dakota in Acrylic Collectors  Box (1)
new Fossil Teeth + Jaw Section  Oreodont  South  Dakota in Acrylic Collectors  Box (1)
new Fossil Teeth + Jaw Section  Oreodont  South  Dakota in Acrylic Collectors  Box (1)
new Fossil Teeth + Jaw Section  Oreodont  South  Dakota in Acrylic Collectors  Box (1)

Product Description

 Fossil Teeth and Jaw Section Oreodont Merycoidodon Cubersoni 

Nicely preserved teeth in original jaw. Oreodonts, also known as " Ruminating Hogs" , had similarities to pigs, having both pig and sheep like features , but also being related to camelids.They are likely to have roamed plains and woodland, and were widespread through North America . They would have been quite heavy bodied with stout four toed hooves and a long tail.Comes with a small acrylic display stand. 
Date: 30 to 35 Million years Old Oligocene
Provenance: Brule Formation White River Formation Pennington County. South Dakota
Size: The fossil measures 6.8 x 3.8 cm weight 37 gm 
Condition: Three teeth in small section of original jaw code 1235



new Fossil Teeth + Jaw Section Oreodont South Dakota in Acrylic Collectors Box (1)

Item in Stock (1 Available)