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Icelandic Optical Spa Crystal Calcite Rhombohedron Rhomboid + Stand 
Icelandic Optical Spa Crystal Calcite Rhombohedron Rhomboid + Stand 
Icelandic Optical Spa Crystal Calcite Rhombohedron Rhomboid + Stand 
Icelandic Optical Spa Crystal Calcite Rhombohedron Rhomboid + Stand 
Icelandic Optical Spa Crystal Calcite Rhombohedron Rhomboid + Stand 
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Product Description

Large Icelandic Optical Spa Crystal Calcite Rhombohedron Rhomboid + Stand 

Sometimes  known as Icelandic Spa , as originally found in Iceland. A calcium carbonate mineral. Also known as optical calcite. It is said that the Vikings referred to it as a sun stone, and may have  used it  as an alternative navigation on their ships, to help locate the sun when obscured by cloud. The light polarising properties were utilized to tell the direction of the sun on cloudy days. Calcite  is normally forms as large blocks , and these rhombuses are cleaved from it, as they occur in rhombohedral forms. In healing circles, it is believed to promote clarity and to reduce negativity and to shift things that feel stuck. When turned to catch the light, tiny rainbows can be seen.

Provenance:  China 

Size: 382  gm 6.5 x 5.5 x 4.7 gm

Condition:  The specimen is of a high quality and has been hand polished to give it a  smooth and tactile surface. It is a fragile crystal type and can easily break or chip so please handle it with great care. code 100-1018


Icelandic Optical Spa Crystal Calcite Rhombohedron Rhomboid + Stand 

Icelandic Optical Spa Crystal Calcite Rhombohedron Rhomboid + Stand 

Item in Stock (1 Available)